Wednesday, August 29, 2012

today was one of those days.

one of those days where you just feel it in the air... you can feel things changing. 

it might be the gorgeous mild weather or the excitement of school being right around the corner but things certainly felt different today.

change is one of those things i can't decide how i feel about. sometimes they can be wonderful but most of the time the anxiety of it all just consumes me. 

i feel like this happens a lot around this time of the year. my birthday is right around the corner and school starts in just a few days. it really is great. i love school and well, birthdays are just awesome but its the waiting that drives me bonkers. i cannot wait to be in class and get my syllabus and maybe meet a few people. of course, this will all change a few weeks in when i am knee deep in notecards and very stressed but for now, i'm pretty damn excited.

and my birthday, well how can i not be excited about that?  aside from the fact that i am now closer to 30 than i am to 20, this birthday seems extra special. at least, that's what i'm hoping for. 

the plan is "girl's night"  god, it's been a while since i've had one. this isn't any ordinary girl's night. this night involves all the girlfriend's of the boyfriend's friends. does that make sense? i think so. dinner, bar then meeting up with the boys to ring in my birthday with quite a few drinks and maybe some dancing.

this is how i feel about that:

Thursday, August 23, 2012

whoa mama. it's been a while.

there's no real reason for the absence. i blame summer. and my new couch. it just sucks me right in!

so here's the update:

i'm now the proud auntie to this little fellow:

i have a boyfriend.
and he's lovely.

 i feel like this crappy phone picture of us describes us perfectly. also, how awesome is my new couch?

that is pretty much the extent of exciting news in my neck of the woods. school starts in two weeks and in one week i will celebrate another year of being alive. let the "oh my god, i'm getting old!" crap begin.

i was chatting with some girls about it the other day and we both agreed that at some point you just feel like you won't grow up anymore. of course there will be more responsibility. there will be more bills, maybe some babies crawling around and just everyday stresses. i guess we will deal with that as best we can but maturity wise, we all decided we have probably reached a stand-still. one of the girls said it best "at some point you stop growing up and you just get better at faking things in different situations." i probably shouldn't have put quotes there. consider those as air quotes. it's pretty much the gist of what she was saying.

it's been a long day and i have like-new bed to crawl into.
there is sure to be more intellectual things being discussed soon and way cooler pictures as well. stay tuned.