Wednesday, March 7, 2012

durka dee durka doo

am i the only one who feels this way?

i feel like i'm in a constant uphill battle with my career/life. i need a break.

it seems that every week i walk into work with a sense of optimism. slowly but surely it is broken down. sometimes its by thursday or friday but this week it was tuesday. impressive.

and then when this happens, i start thinking about all the lovely jobs i'm going to apply to...which never happens. c'mon self, GET TO IT!

so here it is: my proclamation to get a new job:
there are certainly people i know reading this and saying "heard that before" but whatever, it'll happen this time. i bet you $1.25 it will.

onto way more awesomer things:

i'm taking a photography class that is EXTREMELY hard. its digital photography 100 but the professor is a die-hard photographer that assumes we should be up to her level. so far she likes my stuff but she gave me a B+ on my first project and that ticked me off. especially since i got such good feedback from my classmates. whatever.

here is a more recent photo i took of my sister on a reallyyyyyyy cold day. 

obviously not the greatest pic in the world but honestly, its so cold and miserable out lately, there is nothing great to photograph. so i am stuck photographing dead grass and dull skies. c'mon mother nature, give me something to work with.

i am getting the death stare from my boss for clearly avoiding doing the task she asked me to do. guess thats my cue.

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