first, as you probably already know, i got my wisdom teeth yanked out.
then, i went through the pain of recovering. good grief, that was awful. if you know me, you know i loveeeeeee eating. so not being able to cook or eat anything besides mush these past few days has been slowly killing me.
finally, just as my mouth was starting to heal i ran across a road block:
now, i don't have an addictive personality and never in my life thought i would have withdrawals from any drugs or alcohol but just when you least expect it..... WHAM! you're down for the count.i probably should have read up a little on what i was taking after the surgery but nope, just decided to trust the doctor's prescription and take it like the nice little orange bottle stated. WRONG IDEA.
i was prescribed Percocet. all i knew about percs were that some kids in college would take them at night if they didn't have booze and had a few left over from surgery. no big deal. once again......WRONG. these things are major. i took them for only 2 days and decided to stop because i didn't think they were doing much besides making me dizzy and drowsy. i went along my merry way all day yesterday, still a little dazed but feeling good considering.
then today rolled around. man ohhhhh man, was that a different story. i woke up feeling awful and couldn't quite figure out what was wrong. i knew i was in a funk all last night and went to bed early thinking that'd help. welp, it didn't. i didn't sleep a wink. i dragged my butt into work after a 4 day hiatus and was having a hard time keeping it together. i tried to explain to my mother (my boss) just how i was feeling but really couldn't figure out how to explain it.
fast forward an hour: i have my head on my desk talking to her and broke into hysterics. then i started laughing...then crying because it hurt to laugh. i was an all around mess! i was sent home immediately and it took me about 2 hours just to calm down.
it's been quite a few hours since my freak out and i'm still really out of whack. i did some good 'ol fashioned googling and discovered i really shouldn't have been put on Percocet because i'm already on an anti-depressant/anti-anxiety medication. shouldn't they have checked that long sheet they made me fill out that clearly states the medication i am on? so crazy.
so case in point: ask your dr.'s about your medication! some of these things they prescribe so frivolously are highly addictive and dangerous and no fun when you're a sweet little naive thing like me and do as your dr. tells you.
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