I truly can't believe it has taken me this long to dedicate a entire post solely to food. If you are hungry, please step away from this blog. Just do it. It will be detrimental to your stomach if you don't.
If you aren't completely ravenous and enjoy pictures of delicious food please scroll down....ve-ryyyyy slow-lyyyyyyyy.
So this is one of my favorite comfort foods: Chicken Pot Pie. I just couldn't resist taking a picture of this pretty little pie I got at a brewery in Providence. I mean, look at the little doily! Not to mention, that beer was so incredible.
Pizza. What can I say about pizza? I mean, seriously, this is one of the best inventions ever. Even when it's bad, it's good. This lovely creation has always been my go-to pizza: pepperoni and banana peppers. However, last week, I discovered the bacon, banana peppers and olive pizza. OH MY GODDDDDDDD. I will be ordering this probably once a week until I die.
Soupy soup soup. Usually, I am a soup fiend. When people gain weight in the winter, I lose close to 5 lbs because I consume copious amounts of soup instead of my usual diet. I miss it to be honest because this winter I have a been a gluttonous lady and have consumed far too many sandwiches lately.
Wine and Cheese. There is absolutely no better pairing than this. Pizza and Beer is very very close but I really enjoy snacking and being able to pick at olives, cheese, toast, fruit and dark chocolate while drinking my favorite beverage is the absolute best. Also, I don't get that "Oh my god, I am such a pig" feeling afterwards which is lovely.
Mexican!!!! I have always been such a sucker for all things Mexican. It is definitely at the top of my all- time- favorite- type- of- foods list. I try and refrain from indulging in it as often as I usually do because well, I'd be a moose. But gosh, do I love myself a burrito.
I know, this picture is so attractive. To be honest, I am a bit sleepy and a bit hungover. Family Style Chicken was exactly what my brain and stomach needed. Every Sunday when I was a kid we'd go get family style chicken so I guess I have just been bred to love it.

Hot Weiners!!!
I know, what a weird name for such a delicious food. This is a Rhode Island staple and if you ever are around here, find me and I will take you to get some with some coffee milk. A skinny little hot dog, meat sauce, onion, mustard and celery salt is basically heave on a bun.
And last but not least, Oreo's. It's such a simple dessert but truly one of favorites. So much so that some people I know call them Korio's.
Ok, that is all my friends. Now that you are hungry, go get yourself something delicious. Enjoy whatever you have chosen with a good beer or cheap glass of wine and relax.
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