Ok, I know I said I would start taking my camera around with me to take way better pictures but I lied. I can't find my bloody charger and it is driving me mad!
Gunner has always been a little cuddle bug but this is my all-time favorite snuggle session with him.
They love each other.
Ryan and I made a very eventful trip to Ikea. It was a long trip and I got hangry (hungry-angry) and he was kind enough to bring me to Johnny Rockets for so much fatty goodness. Johnny Rockets is second to Steak n' Shake in my book. I would be approximately 400 lbs if there was one around here.
My sister-in-law also sent me this adorable picture of my nephew that I proceeded to stare at over 40 times that day. He is the spitting image of my brother but also has the adorableness of my sister-in-law. All in all, he is a stud and I could eat him with a spoon.
We're really into cheap date nights lately. This ended up being a three way date night with his best friend joining us, quickly making me the third wheel. They love each other. I was pretty pumped with my bowling skills that night. I ALMOST beat Ryan. I'm kind of glad I didn't though. He is way competitive and would never live it down from me.
Now I am off on a quest to find my charger. If I don't go crazy or make a mess of my house and car in the process, it'll be a miracle.
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