Saturday, May 12, 2012

don't call....text.

i used to play volleyball in college. actually, i tell everyone i majored in it.

i spent more time practicing and playing than i did in class and doing homework. maybe thats why i'm still at the job i held before i graduated 4 years ago. whoopsiesssss. 

i remember dragging my butt onto our bus and into our vans to trek to our away games. so many hours of my life i'm never getting back. those were long and mostly boring road trips. i wish my teammates and i were as clever as these guys:

also, these guys are hot hot hot. i miss college.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012


(when reading the following line, please do your best Mel Gibson Braveheart impression)


i am free. free from schoolwork. free from sunday cram session. free spending a million dollars at starbucks while studying. semi-free from stress.

for the summer that is. come september, i will be right back to the whole no-life, studying all-the-time thing. blah.

but today and for the rest of the week, i will be celebrating.