Sunday, March 11, 2012

make these

you should make this cake. well cupcakes in this instance.

this is my favorite cake. and to be quite honest, i don't even like cake. 

i have been recruited to make cupcakes as favors for my cousin's future wife's bridal shower. whoa, that's a mouthful. anyways, i am flattered...but scared to death. baking has always been a hobby but to present it like i actually know what i am doing?  now thats intimidating. tonight i was just messing around and wanted to make something easy but also nice and tasty. i was thinking about using this recipe for the favors but also know, it's not 100% homemade and don't want people to think i'm some sort of imposter.

this is a recipe from Southern Living magazine a few years back. I made it for Christmas and it got rave reviews. I then decided to bring some to an all day St Patrick's day extravaganza in Hoboken, NJ. this is like the mother of all st. patty's parades and i was nervous. so obviously, i decided to bribed everyone into liking me. i got so many funny stares walking in with cupcakes i thought i was going to cry. people had no interest in my cutesy ice breaker. all they cared about was beer. 

so after i got the death stares, i convinced one of the nicer guys to try one. POOF. he melted into a puddle of kori-worshipper. later, after a few, my anxiety of the cupcakes reseeded and while getting myself another beer, i noticed that exact guy walking around with the tray handing out my cupcakes and explaining the cake and frosting to everyone. "hahahahahahaha" was about the only thing i could think of doing at the exact moment. 

so here's the recipe (don't be deterred by the crappy comments on the website, clearly it was a baker error and not a recipe error): Sugar and Spice cake 

*just a quick note: don't freeze the cake for an hour. honestly, who has that kind of time anyways? crazy people who don't drink, that's who.

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